Welcome to

Rising Stars Physical therapy

Where Tiny Steps Lead to Mighty Achievements.

Our mission

Welcome to our Pediatric Physical Therapy Practice, where we specialize in providing compassionate and comprehensive care for children of all ages. Our dedicated team of experienced pediatric physical therapists is committed to enhancing the well-being and developmental potential of each child we serve. With a focus on evidence-based practices and tailored interventions, we create a nurturing and supportive environment that promotes optimal physical function, mobility, and overall health. At our practice, we understand the unique needs of children and collaborate closely with families to ensure a holistic approach to care. Whether your child is navigating developmental milestones, recovering from an injury, or managing a chronic condition, our goal is to empower them to reach their fullest potential and enjoy an active, fulfilling life. Welcome to a place where every step is a stride towards a brighter, healthier future for your child.

Our Services

Pediatric physical therapists offer a range of specialized services to address the unique needs of children and promote their overall well-being. Some common services provided by pediatric physical therapists include:
Gross Motor Development
Gross Motor Development

Developmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children perform within a certain age range: rolling, crawling, and walking. Gross motor skill development involves the large muscles in the arms, legs, and torso. Gross motor activities are important to everyday physical activities like walking, running, throwing, lifting, kicking, etc. We teach each patient’s family how to help their child achieve their developmental milestones and work to develop exercises, therapy, and experiences that benefit the child and their family.

Gross Motor Development
Balance and Coordination

Balance refers to your ability to keep yourself upright. Poor balance in children can involve both standing and sitting balance problems. If your child is struggling with their standing balance, they may have difficulties learning to walk, jump, or climb stairs. Rising Stars offers interventions to assist children experiencing various developmental coordination disorders to improve muscle strength, coordination, and balance. They also help them develop skills to improve their daily activities and quality of life.

Gait Training
Gait Training

Gait biomechanics play a critical role in the attainment of developmental milestones such as walking and running. Proper biomechanics ensure efficient movement patterns, contributing to the smooth progression of motor skills. Children with walking abnormalities, such as toe-walking or in-toeing can benefit from therapy in many ways if the child displays a lack of mobility in their ankles, weakness of leg musculature, gait abnormalities, or difficulties with balance.

Strength and Core
Strength and Core

A well-developed core provides essential support for the body's movements. Whether your child is active at the playground or engaged in quiet activities like coloring, their core stability is crucial. Early development of core strength begins with fundamental movements in infancy, such as tummy time, rolling over, sitting, and crawling. As they progress, a strong core becomes instrumental in achieving important milestones like walking, running, sitting upright, jumping, and mastering skills like throwing a ball. Cultivating core strength is integral to fostering independence and success in various physical activities as children grow and develop.

Gait Training
Reflex Integration

Primitive reflexes are foundational, yet involuntary movement patterns that are present at birth and become integrated before a child reaches 12 months of age. When retained, they interfere with a child’s ability to develop an appropriate foundation for stability and mobility ( developmental delays). Key signs of unintegrated reflexes in need of physical therapy intervention may include poor attention, sitting posture, asymmetrical movement patterns, balance and coordination difficulties like trouble riding a bike, and heightened sensitivity to sensory input such as vision, sounds, and tactile sensations. By helping a child to integrate some of these primitive reflexes, we can help children grow.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Physical therapy following orthopedic injuries plays a crucial role in the recovery process and overall rehabilitation of patients. Restoration of mobility and functionality, pain management, and prevention of secondary complications are a few examples of physical therapy. In Rising Stars, we provide rehabilitation for children recovering from surgeries and sport-related injuries such as ankle sprain/strains, post-fracture rehabilitation, and many more.

Balance and Coordination
Motor Planning​

Motor planning is the ability to conceive, plan, and carry out a skilled, non-habitual motor act in the correct sequence from beginning to end. Incoming sensory stimuli must be correctly integrated to form the basis for appropriate, coordinated motor responses. A child with motor planning difficulties may be slow in carrying out verbal instructions and often appears clumsy in new tasks.


Why choose us

At Rising Stars Pediatric Physical Therapy, our dedicated team of caring therapists transforms each step into a joyful adventure for your child. We combine fun and expertise, employing evidence-based practices to provide personalized care tailored to your child’s unique needs. Through teamwork and close collaboration with families, we create a supportive environment. Whether your child is mastering new skills, recovering from an injury, or managing a health condition, Rising Stars is the place where dreams soar. Join us in paving the way for your child’s radiant future, filled with laughter, milestones, and endless possibilities. Welcome to a world where every step is a celebration of your child’s rising star!